Resiliency Groups

Resiliency groups focus on building self-esteem and coping skills to help children and adolescents face challenges with confidence. Through art, play and science experiments, children gain a basic understanding of their body and neurobiology to recognize their own stress response (taught in a fun, engaging way) and identify helpful versus harmful thought patterns and coping …

Friendship Groups

Kid Connections/Teen Connections (Ages 3-17, grouped by developmental level) These friendship groups will be geared towards the interests of participants and will often include active games, crafts, science activities, and outings that build impulse control, following directions, conflict resolution, and emotional expression. Throughout the group, children will benefit from coaching and modeling to help them …

Teaching Inclusivity

Children’s place within our society and the messages they receive from their community have a significant impact on their mental health and behavior. One can not effectively treat mental health concerns of children without also addressing the broader societal forces that impact them, including racism. With that in mind, I am working on a series …